7.4.07 || The shady side of the visual side
Last night was a visual representation of that last post.

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comment by Anonymous Anonymous 
Nobody has posted a comment here, so I will.

I like these dark pictures. They are visually stunning.

It is also nice to see Nikita back on the old bloggery. How lovely!

Love, light and happinessm,



p.s. why is there a man-in-a-wheelchair symbol next to word verification?
comment by Anonymous Anonymous 
I mispelt "happiness".


comment by Blogger Unknown 
It's for crippled eyes.

Happinessm... it just sounds very smug. Ending any word like that makes it sound like you're repressing the urge to shout 'MEMEMEMEME!'.
comment by Anonymous Anonymous 
Well, mine are quite big. That could be crippled.

Oh dear, an insight into my inner smugness.


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